children learn through play


How Does It Work? 

It is often overwhelming for families with a child of any different needs or abilities to think they need to work on it “all the time.” It can feel like homework and often doctors appointments are the report card leaving parents feeling as if they’re not enough. We take that pressure away and bring the playfulness, laughter, and joy back to your home!

Common Questions

What is Early Intervention? Why is it so important?

Any other questions? Let us know!

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Who exactly does Play To Grow work with?

We specialize in Early Intervention for birth– three, while also providing consultations and outpatient home-based services for other pediatric patients. Whenever our team can be in your natural environment—like your home, community, or childcare location—we can function in our OT, PT, or ST capacities, as well as provide developmental and vision services.

Isn’t birth–three a little young to start therapy?

Not at all. From decades of research, the conclusions are clear: neural circuits are most flexible during a child’s first three years, and over time they become more difficult to change.

What does that mean for you? It means the earlier, the better. What’s more, high quality EI Services—like here at Play To Grow—can literally change a child’s developmental trajectory and improve outcomes for families, children, and even their community.

Why the natural environment?

Not only is the child more comfortable in their natural environment, but they are surrounded by the people, toys and items in their home. Therefore, your little one is ready to play (and learn!) at any moment. This also makes follow through between sessions a breeze because you are using all the same materials, in the same space and during the same daily routines!

It takes the opportunity for inclusion and developing new skills to the next level by having what’s needed for Occupational Therapy on hand.

“Natural environment” can be anything from a setting (home, park, library, etc.), to different materials (toys, books, spoons, wagons), to people (caregivers, siblings, teachers), and even activities (playing, dressing, reading, riding in transportation).

All services are connected to and structured around your family’s daily routines and priorities, enabling you to weave therapeutic activities into everything you do.

Oh, what fun!

What is Early Intervention?

Early Intervention refers to services that provide specialized support to children and families from birth to 3 years of age. The first three years of life are the most crucial period for a child’s growth and development.

Delays in typical development can affect a child’s ability to move, explore, communicate and develop a sense of their own identity. The primary focus of Early Intervention is family education, training and support.

That’s why this age is such FUN and so important to us here at Play to Grow!

What type of services are offered at Play to Grow?

We offer occupational physical and speech therapy services by licensed therapists as well as developmental services by a special educator.

An Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) is the framework for intervention and includes short- and long-term outcomes. The IFSP is developed by your child’s team including  your family, your child’s service coordinator and other service providers.

Additionally, we offer in-person and video consultations as well as outpatient services to children in the 3–21-year-old age range.

What do I do if I'm interested?

Simply contact us to start a dialogue, and we will together discover the next step!

Any other questions? Let us know!

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